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Janine Quinn
Janine lives in Teeside and makes super pretty cards for LOTV. She has been a DT member for many years and also looks after the Fan Group We love Lili of the Valley. She loves everything crafty eg stamping, colouring, drawing & crocheting. Find out what Janine uses to make her cards by visiting her blog.

Kim Taylor
Kim is from Lancashire and has been crafting for 40 years or so! "I started with embroidery and cross stitch (which I still enjoy) and then moved to card making. I also love crochet and always have yarn projects on the go. Basically, I’m a crafting addict! LOTV were one of my favourite stamp products once I started stamping in my cardmaking and they were the first stamps to feature on my blog (back in 2012) and on my Instagram (in 2017) and I still use many of my old rubber stamps from the company. There are always stamps to match all sorts of occasions. I love stamping and colouring, particularly with alcohol markers or watercolours. It has been a dream fulfilled to be on the DT for the company!